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Protecting Floors from your Christmas Tree.

Protecting Floors from your Christmas Tree.

Christmas is finally here, and many families are already decorating for the occasion.  Of course, no home is complete for the Christmas season without a beautifully adorned tree for everyone to see and enjoy. Some households opt for a fake tree that can be kept in storage for the rest of the year, but there are plenty out there who want the real things, pine needles, and all! Getting a live Christmas tree for your home is a great choice, but if you have hardwood or carpeted floors, it could mean a bit of mess for you if you're not careful. Here we will go over ways to keep your floors protected while enjoying the most of your live Christmas tree!

  • Make use of a tree skirt! These skirts keep the needles all together after falling from the branches. You can easily detach the skirt from the base of the tree stand and carefully scoop it up in a way that keeps all the loose needles inside so you can properly dispose of them. If some needles end up on your floor, do not sweep them up if you have wood flooring! This could potentially damage the finish on the wood, and it's better to use a hardwood vacuum instead.
  • Invest in a tree stand mat. This mat goes under the tree stand itself, not over like a tree skirt. This mat is designed specifically to protect the flooring underneath it from water spills, sap stains, and needle drops. The material is non-absorbent and durable, so it won't soak up any water spills and have the potential to hide mold when it's packed away until next Christmas.
  • Never lay down towels by the base of the tree! When watering your live tree, pay close attention to where you're pouring and how much is coming out. Water left on hardwood floors could easily warp the wood and is even worse if a wet towel is left there for long periods.
  • Clean the floor thoroughly before bringing the tree in. Make sure you have a large enough designated spot for your tree and do some deep cleaning in the area before setting everything up. This ensures that you have a spotless and safe place to set up the tree.
  • Microfiber cloths will be your best friend when it comes to wiping up small messes from under the tree! It's gentle on the flooring and gets up little things you may not see on your first swipe.
  • When bringing your tree inside, do not drag it on the floor! Get some assistance to lift the other end and gently set it directly into the tree stand. Make sure your stand and set-up are already in place before bringing the tree indoors.

Following these tips will make sure you experience the most your Christmas tree has to offer, without having to replace your flooring in the new year!