Current Specials

Starting at $119.
Certain restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offers or prior services. Only valid in Lake, Sumter and South Marion Counties.

$140 for 3 Rooms
Dries in 1 Hour. Additional rooms & deep cleaning extra. Free deodorizer.
Some exclusions may apply. Not valid with any other offers or prior services.

Free deodorizer. Specialty material and leather extra.
Not valid with any other offers or prior services. Only valid in Lake, Sumter and South Marion Counties.

Up to 200 sq ft. .50 per additional sq ft. Add sealer .40 per sq ft. Truck Mounted Steam.
Some exclusions apply. Not valid with any other offers or prior services. Only valid in Lake, Sumter and South Marion Counties.

$300 includes 7 vents and 1 return
(additional vents $25 each, returns $35 each). Removes 99.9% of allergens from the home. Vents cleaned by truck mount unit, not a portable unit!
$300 Minimum Required. Must present coupon to qualify. Not valid with any other offers or prior services. Only valid in Lake, Sumter and South Marion Counties.

Truck Mounted Steam Cleaning. Additional Rooms $30 each. Deep cleaning extra. Free deodorizer.
Some exclusions may apply. Not valid with any other offers or prior services. Only valid in Lake, Sumter and South Marion Counties.
Contact Gator Clean
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